What is our purporse?

Be The You Foundation

We focus on Environmental protection and restoration, Youth and Women empowerment, Reproductive and Mental Health advocacy.

About Us

Be The You Foundation is a registered organization in Kenya, founded in 2018. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection and restoration, ocean and rivers clean ups, youth, women and community empowerment. We recognize the urgent need to address the environmental challenges facing our planet and believe that by working together, we can create a more sustainable and just future for all.

Our efforts to protect and restore the environment began back in 2018 including clean up campaigns to remove waste from oceans and rivers , as well as initiatives to plant trees and promote sustainable land use practices . We also recognize the critical role that community empowerment plays in achieving our goals, and we work to empower young people, women, and other community members through education and training programs focused on environmental awareness, sustainable livelihoods, and leadership development.

At our core, we believe that environmental protection and community empowerment are deeply interconnected. By working together to protect the environment, we can create more sustainable and resilient communities , where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. The team's mission is to make a positive difference in our environment by working towards a sustainable future for all.

Environmental Pollution


Our mission is to create positive and lasting change by promoting environmental restoration, community empowerment, and the well-being of girls and women. We are committed to leaving a legacy of a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable world for present and future generations.


Our vision is to create a sustainable and inclusive world, where the interconnections between the environment, communities, and individuals are recognized and respected.

Nairobi Slum

Why Nairobi?

Environmental pollution in Nairobi's slums is a significant issue that poses a threat to the health and well being of the residents. One of the major sources of pollution is the lack of proper waste management systems , which results in the accumulation of garbage in the streets and open areas.

Additionally, many residents in these slums rely on burning solid fuels such as charcoal and firewood for cooking and heating , which releases harmful pollutants into the air . The combination of poor waste management and the use of solid fuels contributes to air pollution, which can cause respiratory problems , heart disease, and other health issues.

Nairobi Slum

Along the riverbanks of slum areas, river pollution is also a severe problem. Many residents use these rivers for washing clothes , bathing , and even drinking water , which leads to the accumulation of waste, sewage, and other pollutants. The pollution of these rivers can cause waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever, which are particularly dangerous for children and elderly people.

Waste pollution is another significant problem in Nairobi's slums, where the lack of proper waste management systems means that garbage accumulates in the streets and open areas. This waste pollution not only causes a foul odor and an unsightly appearance but also attracts rodents and insects that spread diseases

Why Mombasa?

Environmental pollution in the Indian Ocean has significant effects on both the marine life and the ecosystems surrounding it. One of the main sources of pollution is waste dumped into the ocean from various sources, including ships, oil rigs, and coastal communities.

This pollution affects marine life and fishers who rely on the ocean for their livelihoods. The pollution leads to the accumulation of toxins in the water, which can harm or kill marine organisms . This, in turn, can reduce the fish population and make it difficult for fishers to make a living. Additionally, the pollution can lead to the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of habitats , including coral reefs and mangrove forests.

Ocean Pollution

Mangrove forests, in particular, are crucial ecosystems that support a diverse range of marine life, including fish and shellfish. They also act as a natural barrier to coastal erosion and protect against storm surges . However, pollution from the Indian Ocean, including oil spills and waste dumping, can harm these ecosystems and threaten the livelihoods of those who depend on them.

Waste management is another significant problem in the region, with many coastal communities lacking proper waste management systems . As a result, waste often ends up in the ocean, leading to pollution and harm to marine life.

Pollution in the Indian Ocean has significant effects on marine life, ecosystems, and the livelihoods of those who depend on them, such as fishers and mangrove forests. Addressing this issue requires coordinated efforts from governments, organizations , and communities to implement proper waste management practices and prevent further pollution

Rural areas

Why Rural Areas?

The rural communities in Kenya face numerous dangers related to climate change , environmental pollution , lack of tree planting , and lack of awareness and education . Climate change has continuously led to increased temperatures, droughts, and flooding, which has negatively impacted agricultural production and food security in most rural areas in Kenya .

Environmental pollution , such as water and air pollution, has led to health problems for rural communities, including respiratory illnesses and water borne diseases . The lack of tree planting has led to deforestation, which has resulted in soil erosion and loss of biodiversity .

Additionally, the lack of awareness and education on environmental issues has prevented rural communities from adopting sustainable land use practices and engaging in environmental conservation activities. This has led to further degradation of natural resources and exacerbate the impacts of climate change.

The dangers facing rural communities in Kenya highlight the urgent need for interventions that address climate change, environmental pollution, and lack of awareness and education . By promoting sustainable land use practices, supporting tree planting, and offering educational programs on environmental issues, we can help to mitigate the dangers facing rural communities in the country and support sustainable development in these areas.


Since we initiated this project, improvements in waste management has led to improved environmental quality, reduced health hazards, and increased quality of life for underserved residents in both Nairobi and Mombasa regions.
Our community empowerment initiatives has helped to build the capacity of local communities to manage their natural resources , engage in sustainable land use practices, and promote environmental conservation . This has led to long term sustainability of natural resources and support economic development in these peri urban centres .
Waste management and community empowerment are critical interventions for promoting sustainable development and addressing environmental challenges in peri urban and rural areas in Kenya. Be The You Foundation's supporting these initiatives, we have helped to build resilient and sustainable communities , protect natural resources, and promote economic development in these areas.

Waste Management


Ocean Pollution

Ocean cleanup efforts have a positive significant impact on marine life , to coastal fishers , on mangrove cover , to coastal communities and to both local and international tourists. The accumulation of plastic waste in Indian Ocean has become a significant problem, with devastating impacts on marine ecosystems . Marine animals, such as sea turtles, fish, and birds, often mistake plastic debris for food, leading to injury, illness, and death. Additionally, plastic waste can cause entanglement and suffocation, further impacting marine life. By partnering with various organizations in Coastal region in removing plastic waste from the ocean, these cleanup efforts has helped to reduce these negative impacts and support the health and well being of marine ecosystems.

Coastal fishers have also been impacted by plastic waste in Indian Ocean. Fishing gear and other plastic debris have entangled and damaged fishing equipment, leading to loss of income and reduced productivity . Additionally, plastic waste harm fish populations, reducing the availability of fish for fishing communities. Indi a n Ocean cle a nup by our formid able team have helped to support the livelihoods and well being of fishing communities in Kenya’s coastal region.


Mangrove forests, which are vital ecosystems for coastal communities, have also been impacted by plastic waste. Mangroves provide habitat for a variety of marine species, protect coastlines from erosion , and support local economies through fishing and tourism. Plastic waste can smother mangrove roots, reducing their ability to provide these vital ecosystem services. The effort made by our team has helped to support the health and well being of mangrove forests and the communities that rely on them.
Coastal communities and both local and international tourists have been impacted by plastic waste on beaches and in coastal waters. Plastic debris have reduced the aesthetics of beaches, impacted human health, and harmed tourism, which has been a significant source of income for many coastal communities.

Waste management and community empowerment are critical interventions for promoting sustainable development and addressing environmental challenges in peri urban and rural areas in Kenya. Be The You Foundation's supporting these initiatives, we have helped to build resilient and sustainable communities , protect natural resources, and promote economic development in these areas.

Today, Be The You Foundation’s efforts and partnering organizations have laid a better foundation for Coastal region economic growth due to influx of both local and international tourists

Waste Management


Ocean Pollution

The Foundation’s e nvironment protectio n and restoration efforts in Nairobi and Mombasa have had significant impacts on the environment, communities, and the economy. In Nairobi, our tree planting initiatives have been implemented in various parts of the city, including 22 primary and secondary schools and along the banks of Nairobi river . These initiatives aim to increase the city’s tree cover, improve air quality, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Similarly, in Mombasa , tree planting initiatives have been implemented in various underserved slum areas and along the coast. These initiatives aim to protect coastal ecosystems

Additionally, community awareness programs initiated by our organization have been implemented to raise awareness on the importance of environmental conservation and promote sustainable useful environment practices . These efforts have led to improved environmental quality , increased biodiversity , and enhanced aesthetics in the urban centres .

These initiatives also have significant social and economic impacts . Improved environmental quality has led to improved health outcomes, reduced health care costs , and increased productivity. Additionally, increased biodiversity and enhanced aesthetics has attracted tourists and promote economic development in the regions.


Be The You Foundation’s community clean up efforts in Nairobi's slum areas, such as Dandora , have had a significant impact on the health and well being of residents. Most peri urban centres have inadequate waste management and poor sanitation infrastructure leading to the accumulation of garbage, sewage, and other waste materials, causing health hazards and environmental pollution. Our clean up efforts, such as clearing trenches , cleaning drainage systems , and sweeping roads , help to reduce the accumulation of waste, improving environmental hygiene and reducing the risk of disease transmission.

Through our activities, community members have collaborated and worked together with us to tackle issues affecting their community, creating a more cohesive and resilient community.

Waste management and community empowerment are critical interventions for promoting sustainable development and addressing environmental challenges in peri urban and rural areas in Kenya. Be The You Foundation's supporting these initiatives, we have helped to build resilient and sustainable communities , protect natural resources, and promote economic development in these areas.

Today, Be The You Foundation’s efforts and partnering organizations have laid a better foundation for Coastal region economic growth due to influx of both local and international tourists.

Waste Management Waste Management


Reproductive and Mental Health session Team Building

The foundation’s r eproductive and mental health sessions have had a significant impact on young girls living in Nairobi’s slum areas . These sessions provide critical information and education on reproductive health , including menstrual hygiene , family planning, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs ), which have empowered young girls to make informed decisions about their bodies and their futures.

In slum areas, where access to health services is often limited , reproductive and mental health sessions can fill a critical gap in healthcare provision. Through our programs, young girls have access to accurate and reliable information on reproductive health, and helped to reduce the prevalence of STIs , unwanted pregnancies , and unsafe abortions , improving the health and well being of girls and their communities

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